SenSCAN Handheld
AI powered smartphone app which offers cities and authorities worldwide an affordable, highly accurate, cloud-based smart city platform in the palm of their hands, for officers on foot. Officer can capture the number plate of the vehicle while walking and holding the unit in the hand at a different location.

SenSCAN Mobile
SenSCAN Mobile is of the highest quality and engineered to perform to optimum standards of low-cost, lightweight and compatible with all vehicle types. The vehicle mobile enforcement solution addresses all smart parking applications including on-street parking enforcements, people and vehicle movements to enhance parking management and public security.

SenSCAN Fixed
SenSCAN Fixed is designed with high portability and built in IoT components providing parking enforcements at the most affordable cost. A rugged outdoor solution combining specialist camera hardware and software for all-in-one automatic ANPR based permit parking management unit designed to simplify deployments in garages, parking lots and access control gates.