Multi-Camera 'Person of Interest' Tracking
When critical incidents occur in real time, security staff are forced to rely on their memory of site maps and camera locations, and to urgently scan vast video walls of incoming footage to locate the critical points of activity. With our solution, operators are quickly alerted to where a target has been and the direction it is heading so they can do their jobs most effectively. Armed with this data, targets can be tracked without the distraction of unnecessary ‘noise’ that clouds decision making.

Surveillance Camera & Network Audit
The worst time to discover a gap in coverage is when you need a key piece of video that’s missing.
Our solution learns and displays linked cameras, proactively connecting all the cameras across your video system and highlights any gaps so adjustments can be made. It captures the sequence of events and makes it easier to identify when an incident is triggered, an alarm or access control breach occurs, or video analytics recognizes suspicious activity.

Accurate Live Occupancy
Most people counting is done by motion detectors of the line-crossing type. Due to inherent errors, however, this methodology cannot count occupancy due to accumulative/drift errors. Similarly, errors occur when security systems try to count people within their cameras’ fields of view – the result is double counting when cameras overlap and missed counts when there are black spots and gaps in coverage. Thanks to our knowledge of computer vision and Sensor AI, however, we’ve overcome these issues with the most accurate and unobtrusive occupancy counting system on the market providing footfall and traffic flow data to those who need it in real time.

Fast And Simple Video Export
Based on our decades of work in Smart Surveillance, we know the importance of automatically producing a comprehensive and continuous pursuit video. One that is complete with every movement between cameras within a network. Our solution eliminates the time-consuming video retrieval process typically used to assemble evidence. Just press ‘Record’ and follow the action as a continuous video stream is prepared in real-time as you watch. Distribution is quick and easy, sent as an email to multiple parties or saved onto local media.

Work, Health and Safety (WHS)
Organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of surveillance cameras to help address workplace compliance and work, health, and safety (WHS) policies. Smart surveillance solutions powered by AI can be used for monitoring WHS policy compliance, overseeing the operation of machinery to help avoid the risk of injury, or watching out for lone workers who may be located in isolated or remote areas.
Our platform can be configured easily to meet the unique requirements of different workplaces in different jurisdictions and compliance standards.