Sign Digitisation and Audit
A fully automated end-to-end asset mapping solution that accurately detects, classifies and interprets all signs and objects within a municipality: parking and traffic signs, line markings, electricity and light poles, trees, billboards, and other assets. All these assets generate data inside a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) package for improved decision-making and asset management.

Road Works Signage Audit
Our sign auditing solution automatically detects objects blocking parking bays including safety cones, roadwork signs, and construction vehicles. It can be installed permanently or deployed intermittently for snap audits.

Digitisation of City Assets & Audits
Our solution automatically detects and records municipal assets without the need for manual inspections. All relevant data is captured inside a comprehensive Geographic Information System (GIS) package for improved decision making and asset management of parking and traffic signs, line markings, electricity and light poles, trees, billboards, and other assets belonging to a musicality.

Road Infrastructure Audits
Our solution improves parking management by seamlessly understanding the complexity of multiple parking rules that co-exist in a modern urban center. Using image-based sensors without the need for costly capital expenditure, we ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians while ensuring compliance with parking and traffic rules.

Key Features

Automated end-to-end signage asset audit solution

Capturing all parked vehicles as well as parking signs and relevant background images

Route planning for optimal efficiency

Highly accurate GPS (within 1 centimetre) and GIS positioning of all relevant assets

Central management